It’s Probably Nothing

I caught bits and pieces of a story on NPR the other day about how scientists believe there is “dark energy” filling the “void in space.” You guys know what that really means, right?

In the first 20 seconds of this story, she actually says, “Dark energy seems to exist where scientists once said there was nothing.”

Next, I want you to watch this clip and then could you do me a solid and look through your contacts to see if you have the Childlike Empress’s home number? She’s stopped responding to my texts.

2 thoughts on “It’s Probably Nothing

    • Actually, you’ll probably find this interesting. I was inspired by YOUR blog to write shorter pieces. You’ve had several posts that were shorter than what I think most people consider to be a “whole” post. I’m not kidding, I read them and thought, “Hmmm… so it doesn’t have to be epically long? EUREKA.” It kinda gave me hope that I could handle this blog thing after all.

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