Halloween Special: The Great Plumpkin

As a chubby chick, my Halloween options can be, uh, slim. On one hand, I kind of like that it forces me to work a little harder to make my own awesome costume. On the other hand, why can’t a fat b*tch just buy a sexy referee costume from Target the day of the party and get on with it, nawmean?

Thing is, sometimes you have to pretend you’re not fat and just go with your heart (see Jem, left, from 2007). And sometimes you have to employ your curves and be a character who is also fat (see Ursula, center, from 2009). Then there are costumes that you can really make your own, regardless of weight (see cigarette girl, right, from 2011).

But it seems I’ve had the costume tables turned on me this year. My friend Caitlin dressed as — are you ready for this?

Me. She dressed up as me.

She and our friend Eric went as Bait & Switch, my musical comedy duo. In case you were wondering, the official Addi Twigg costume is a cute dress with a belt, some kick*ss heels, and blue-green tights. She even pinned back some of her long hair for makeshift bangs. It. Was. Adorable. And what is it they say about imitation? Yeah, that too.

They wore name tags just to seal the deal. I caught them as they were leaving the party, so you aren’t getting the full effect — but if you look closely at the very bottom of the photo, you can see a little bit of the blue-green tights under her green dress. She even did her “Addi smile” for the photo (courtesy of some facebook research). UNCANNY!

I think it might be my favorite thing ever when people I know dress as other people I know for Halloween. Our friend Milton was my husband Joe one year and it kind of blew my mind. I never thought I would be the subject of that, so thank you, Caitlin. You made my night!

So, what was your best costume ever? Or the best costume you ever saw on another person? Have you ever dressed as someone you knew, or had someone use you as a costume?